Stop for a Poem

Stop for a moment. Slow down. Take a look around the corridor of the Foreign Language Centre (IKI) and see if you can find a meaningful message on the coloured pages.

If you study foreign languages, you're probably also interested in literature. We've shared some literary treats with you in the corridor of the Foreign Language Centre, some of them paired with a playful activity. Come and start reading!

If you have a favourite poem in a foreign language, or have written one yourself that you'd like to share with others, bring it to us and put it on the colourful posters in the corridor. On the back of the sheet, write your name and Neptun code. If you enjoyed a poem, please like it with the available like markers. The author with the most likes will be rewarded.

If you would like to participate in the IKI20 challenge, please submit your poem(s) electronically. You can earn 2 points for a poem written by someone else and 4 points for your own poem.

How can you collect your points?
Join the IKI20 CooSpace scene ( and enter the sub-scene Stop for a Poem. Upload your poem(s) in Word format in the Task.